Thursday, 13 July 2017

Election Preparedness

July 13.17

A couple weeks ago, I wrote a blog on peace. Basing my thoughts on the difference between sitting quietly on my front veranda and the reality of what is going on outside the compound, especially as it relates to the national election that is now very close.  Many people are concerned that peace will be disturbed and violence may erupt. Over the past few weeks, we have been tormented with news that violence has already occurred but Kenyans are still hopeful that this will not be a repeat of the 2007 'bloody' election.  The expectation is that the voting on August 8 will create a close race between the leader of the Jubilee party (currently reigning) and the opposition party (National Super Alliance).  The hope is that the election results will be released within 24 hours. This should alleviate the worry for post election violence. If the results are delayed, fears arise that the election process has been rigged which can trigger riotous responses.

Knowing the burden that is shared by so many Kenyans right now, The Salvation Army has taken a proactive approach to help support and prepare the people. With the possibility of unrest looming all too close, the two Territories - Kenya East and Kenya West - have combined forces to prepare for the people's safety and well being. A national conference was held for both territories with support from International Headquarters to provide training and equip many of our leaders to help promote a time of peace in the land and also to prepare for emergency responses. As Salvation Army leaders, we want to help build peace in the communities and do all we can to protect innocent people.

A recent report from the Election Preparedness Conference gives the details regarding what is being done here:

To help find as many ways and opportunities as possible to promote peace, The Salvation Army has planned various strategies.  Resources for Bible studies and sermons are available to help teach Christian values on peace and to remind people of the Christian perspective. Songs have been written about peace. Opportunities to promote peace have been taken during football tournaments, in school competitions, and at various other public events.  Banners with peace messages are being used in multiple ways. Household checklists with directives to be followed during the week of the election is being distributed as well as bookmarks, car stickers, and other resources - all in the name of building peace. A film that tells the whole story of conflict preparedness and peace building is also available. An excellent music video has been created to encourage Kenyans about peace. The production came as a result of recordings done here in both Kenyan Territories of various ministry units, including the Street Boys program and various schools.  (The video has just been released from IHQ and is now available for viewing through various media platforms - Facebook, Twitter, etc. - see the link below).

While all of the country is on alert regarding the election, there are certain 'hot spots' where violence is more likely to happen. Our projects team have visited several of these areas, providing information and sharing election preparedness resources, including taking the program into many schools to share with both students and staff on how to prepare for safety if needed. 1000 checklists have been distributed to 20 different areas. 500 car stickers and 2000 bookmarks were given to every Salvation Army Division and District. 

The other concern in case of disturbances following the election is the availability of food for people. Many people will choose to stay in their homes for a number of days. Markets and shops that usually provide food may have some challenges with their stock. People are encouraged to have at least one week's supply of food on hand.  In case of a need to support vulnerable or unprepared residents, The Salvation Army is preparing a stock pile of food in case of emergency. This includes the local food basics: maize, beans, cooking oil, rice, and sugar. Other emergency supplies such as blankets and mats will also be available.  As well, many of our compounds are being prepared to become a shelter for displaced people if needed. 

So what can you do to help?  Keep yourself informed through national television regarding the election and most importantly, pray.  Yes, please pray.  We believe God desires peace for his people and we believe in the power of prayer. I call upon all those who have faith in God (in whatever form you choose to express that), to pray for peace for Kenya for the next several weeks - both leading up to and after the Election Day (August 08).  We ask you to pray for us and for all our Officers and their families and for all the residents of this country. Morris and I, along with the Territorial Commander and his wife, have made adjustments in our schedules to limit our travel during this period. However, we are scheduled to attend a Zonal Conference in Madagascar and we ask for your prayers that our travel will be possible and safe. Commissioner Grace and I leave on August 11 for a Women's Conference that happens first and then Morris and Commissioner Stephen travel on August 14. Be assured we will not take any unnecessary risks and we will be quite confident that travelling is safe before leaving home.

If you have not already seen the video referenced above, I strongly encourage you to view it. The video was made possible by the partnership of International Development Services and International Emergency Services, both based at The Salvation Army International Headquarters in London, England.  It is worth the watch. A press release from IHQ recently quoted Morris regarding this project: "Lieut-Colonel Morris Vincent (Chief Secretary, Kenya West Territory) says: ‘Everything is so well done and the children express confidently and with great passion their desire for this time in our history to be peaceful. I express appreciation to all who partnered to make this happen. We value more than words can fully express the ongoing support from the international Salvation Army for our territory (in this case for both Kenya territories)."

Here is the link to view the video and the short documentary:

Thanks everyone for all your love, thoughts, prayers, and support for us and especially now for this country that needs continued peace.

Monday, 3 July 2017


July 04.17

The word ‘injustice’ conjures many images in our minds. Human trafficking, terrorism, war, poverty, unequal distribution of wealth, and world hunger are a few. Injustice in its simplest terms is any unfair act or wrong treatment toward an individual or group. The most recent news story of the young American who died after being imprisoned in North Korea for 15 months is one more reminder. Recently I have been made aware of two examples that tear at my heart. One is FGM – Female Genital Mutilation. I barely knew what this was until this year. While this practice has been largely eliminated in Kenya, in some areas it still exists, often in secret. Some tribes and cultures still consider this procedure to be something good for young girls - a way to prepare them for marriage or even considered as a sign of beauty and respect. Yet, it seems like such an unfair attack on the innocent bodies of precious young women. FGM can be damaging physically, mentally, and emotionally.  Many of the girls affected are trapped and have to run away from home to escape - but they have no place to go. I feel sad that what some may view as a normal expectation can be so harming.

Another example of injustice came to my attention while I was preparing to go into the field with one of our Women’s Ministry groups called WORTH.  This income generating program started in 2012 and has been successful in several areas. Through the support of The Salvation Army initially from New Zealand and now through the US (SAWSO), financial support is enabling this program to continue. Groups of women in rural villages meet weekly, giving them opportunity to save and borrow money, mostly to help start their own businesses but it also provides literacy training and other life skills. During my first visit to the program, I heard many success stories.  Women testify to being more self-sufficient and better able to support their families – pay school fees, install electricity in their homes, buy milking cows, and pay for funeral expenses were a few of the stories I heard.

On route to my first WORTH group visit, the Officer at THQ who is in charge of the program shared with us a terrible injustice that happened in another group a few days ago. As part of the program, the treasurer takes the money box to her home for safe keeping. (I know this would not be an acceptable practice in Canada but it is here). The box is locked with three padlocks and three different people have keys so there is no way for the treasurer alone to have access to the money. This is part of their accountability procedures. The tragedy which happened, though, occurred late one evening.  Someone broke into the treasurer’s home and began to beat her, demanding she hand over the money box. The speculation is that someone leaked information into the village that this lady was keeping the box of money in her home and thus the attack. The treasurer survived the attacks.  Instead of giving them the group’s money, she gave them some of her own hard earned money to get them to leave her.  The incident shook her and I am sure she is now quite fearful in her own home. 

Whenever we hear of injustice happening, we often ask – what can we do? In the cases I just shared, the Women’s Ministry Department is responding. Even if we cannot eliminate all that seems so unfair or prevent them from happening again, we can hopefully make some difference. At the Africa Women Officers Zonal Conference in August, Commissioner Grace Chepkurui, will be presenting a workshop on FGM. Included will be a discussion with the women leaders across Africa to consider further preventative measures to help cease the practice and increase the awareness of the damage it can cause. Commissioner Grace and I also have plans to share this with the divisional and district women officers at a working retreat we are having in September. We realize two things in these action plans. One, discussion is not enough. We must act. Two, it will take initiatives in the local areas from the local people to really make the difference.

As for the situation with the WORTH program, there is now a review of the practices and procedures concerning how we can better protect the women involved.  Some challenges are very difficult to overcome but we are working together towards better days.

I have no doubt that there is injustice happening all around us. It isn’t always what we hear on the news.  Sometimes it’s in our own backyard – or yes, even in our church. Let’s keep ourselves attentive to anything that promotes inequality, violates basic human rights, causes unjust injury of any kind, or disturbs any person’s sense of dignity. It’s wrong. Let’s not be satisfied to simply feel pity. There just may be something we can do. Something I can do and you can do. Be willing to get involved. You just might make a difference in your corner of the world.

Some pics of my visit to the WORTH program.

The money box

 Every group loves for visitors to come and speak with them. 

And of course, dance with them!!

The group started small but quickly grew to fill the corps building